There’s Irish blood running through my veins and I have the skin to match, so the sun and I are at odds wherever I go, all the time. But that doesn’t stop me. Em and I were in Cartagena, yes of Romancing the Stone, never far from the equator and the sun was beating down …
Tag: Apparel
The Rucking White Paper (BETA)
PART 1 – HOW TO GET STARTED & THE FUNDAMENTALS Let’s just say this and start here: rucking is simple to start. You can do it in your neighborhood with things you already have on hand, and it’s free. The military teaches the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) approach and Leonardo da Vinci said simplicity …
How to Find the Lost City
Rucking 29 miles in the Colombian jungle in 29 hours. Over the years, I’ve taken a lot of trips and spent nearly a decade living in South America, Africa, and Europe. Jason has visited more continents and countries than me, though for shorter stints of time. And while we’ve traveled together plenty, our trip to …
I train like a HULK. I eat like a HULK. I ruck like a HULK. I live like a HULK, every day. I’m 6”3 250 before I feed the house and wash it down with a few beers and I don’t want my pants crowding my junk, ever. I hate that. My neighbor’s a skinny …
Rucking the Grand Canyon
If we couldn’t make this trip happen, then why in the hell did we fight in the first place? Though almost everything in our lives has changed since we took off the military uniform, our reasons for fighting will always remain the same – our country and our friends. Ask just about any combat veteran …
Tough Dry Explained
The Special Forces way of life means performance. From rucksacks to apparel, we want to build the best. Our Tough Dry fabric is built to last and dries really fast. It’s lightweight and can practically fold down to the size of a 12oz canned Budweiser.