This is the ideal setup for a 2-3 day trip. Just you and your GR1. There’s no need for a rollbag — they slow you down and make travel harder, not easier in situations like when you’re slower getting on and off the plane, or when you run into that flight of stairs or those …
Author: jason
Founder & CEO, GORUCK
Past: 10th Special Forces Group
A Few Notes About Selection…It Was Fun While It Lasted
Before we get to a few notes about Selection, a quick reminder that we work for you and not the other way around. Yes, pictured is us at work. 🙂 It’s our job to to push you, to inspire you, to bring you closer together as people, as communities, as friends. This is the motivation …
The Four Pillars of Training
I hadn’t seen Jeff (aka The HULK) in too long and wanted to catch up. I had exactly one hour (630am – 730am) to get back or else my kids would be late for school. I thought about what we should do like this, and it’s sort of a microcosm to how I approach fitness …
Rucking Tip: The Ruck Shuffle
I did about 5 miles and some change this morning and I want to talk about the difference between ruck shuffling, rucking and ruck running. What you saw in the CrossFit Games was a ruck run. People were by and large running as fast as they could with weight on their backs, in a rucksack. …
How to Ruck Run Ruck Running is a very advanced form of rucking that a lot of you saw at the 2019 CrossFit Games as one of the workouts. We’ll discuss the fundamentals and show you how to do it so you can do it correctly. This is a great way for advanced ruckers to increase their pace …
The Story Behind the Apparel: Tough Hoodie
There’s Irish blood running through my veins and I have the skin to match, so the sun and I are at odds wherever I go, all the time. But that doesn’t stop me. Em and I were in Cartagena, yes of Romancing the Stone, never far from the equator and the sun was beating down …