Tag: Summer ’10

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and the Black Hills, South Dakota

Sturgis, minus our Harleys, made us supremely jealous of anyone who had theirs. All 500,000 of them. But we still enjoyed camping in Custer State Park, driving Needles Hwy and all around a very underrated Black Hills National Forest, Sturgis proper, and Mount Rushmore. Next time we’ll ride there on our Harleys, and see the sights, including the buffaloes, as it should be, with the wind in our face.

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Beautiful and Rough in North Dakota

North Dakota sunflowers face East and stared at us for the length of our drive across the state. Distraction by natural beauty led to a smiling question: “Were you just not paying attention or what?” So, we got the opportunity to make another friend in law enforcement en route to Teddy Roosevelt’s National Park in the West. Worthy of a rough rider, and a great destination for a rugged run towards a rising sun, complete with a prairie dog stand-off at the end. Leaving the state, we hoped we left a good impression, as the North appears comfortable using the South as a backstop for target practice. Yet on we drove…

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GR CACHE #9, Minneapolis, Minnesota

GR CACHE #9. We hide GORUCK gear. You find GORUCK gear, and keep it. Ninth dead drop: Lat/Long Coordinates (link to them on the right) 44.946999,-93.306200. 10,000 lakes, so we put as many as possible to good use. We ran, we biked, we checked out the wildlife, and we swam (the ‘royal we’ means Java, of course) – which maybe meant breaking some local regs. Whatever. As we are set to announce some news on the GORUCK Challenge + Tough Mudder front, we used their patch and left a GR TAC on our way out of town after running around Lake Calhoun, downtown Minneapolis. Happy Hunting. Send us the story to cache@goruck.com

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Local is Always the Right Answer in Madison, Wisconsin

Madison takes a local focus to the next level and keeps a garden at the foot of the state capital. Since local is always the right answer, it’s is a great place to be hungry. The specialty in America’s Dairyland extends to local beer, local greens (with cheese on top, of course), local pizza, local ice cream, and a local run around Lake Mendota. We had a blast and can’t get back soon enough.

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