GORUCK 6 Week Training Plan

Start this plan with a baseline test to give you a good idea of your current state of fitness. At the end of week 5, we retest to assess the progress you have made. By the end of week 6, you are ready to rock. Be sure to make the tough PT easier by adding friends. And some ACRT never hurts either. Good luck and good ruckin’.

Click here to download a PDF the plan.



  1. Bobby Perkins says:

    Jerry, I think it’s Body Weight. So Benchpress 65-75% BWT would be pressing about 70% of whatever your bodyweight is.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Caitlin says:

    AFAP- as fast as possible
    FLR- front leaning rest (plank)
    BWT- body weight
    ACRT- army combat readiness test
    DB- dumbbell
    BB- barbell
    KB- kettle bell
    EMOM- every min. on the min.
    APFT- army physical fitness test

  3. Kyle Janof says:

    On day two of week one, do you do the body weight pt and metabolic circuit right after you finish the body weight pt or do you do the metabolic circuit later in the day?

  4. Paul says:

    Day 2 – starts with 4 sets of AFAP? So 4×2 mile? That alone is a very challenging workout if run at 5k-10k pace.

  5. Richard says:

    Came across this whilst looking for obstacle / ruck training plans. In first week, especially like the log / ruck exercises. But no Go Ruck sessions in the UK 🙁

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