Baseline: Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT)


Whether you’re Jason Bourne or new to fitness, you have to test (and monitor) your baseline. We use the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) because it requires no equipment, it’s easy to score, and it helps measure where you are.


Push-Ups: 2 Minutes
Sit-Ups: 2 Minutes
Two-Mile Run

Do these three events in sequence, resting ~2 minutes between each


The Army has paragraphs of instruction. Here are the basics.

Keep your body generally straight
Face forward
Go all the way down and all the way up
When resting, you can either sag in the middle (up dog) or flex your back (down dog)
Do as many as possible in the 2 minutes allotted

Your partner holds your feet down
Go all the way up and all the way down
Do not lift your butt up to do more reps (those don’t count)
The up position is the only authorized rest position
Do as many as possible in the 2 minutes allotted

Two-Mile Run
Typically done on flat ground
Complete the two miles as fast as possible


The score for each event ranges from 0 to 100 points. A minimum of 60 points per event (minimum total 180) is required to pass the test. The max score is 300. The scoring is based on gender, age, the number of repetitions performed of the push-up and sit-up, and run time.


When complete, get your score here.

If you pass (minimum 180), this means you have a base level of fitness and you’re ready to start our 6 Week Training Plan to prepare for Nasty, Light, and the Challenge. The main goal of our training plan is to prepare you for what you’ll face – and to get your back ready to carry the weight in your rucksack. If you would prefer to run Nasty, substitute the rucking for running.



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