Get Fit in 30 Minutes or Less

GORUCK Sandbag & Rucksack workouts are simple (but not easy), scalable to all abilities, and you can do them anywhere — your garage, your front yard, at a park with your friends. You choose the time, the place, and your teammates.

KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid. Special Forces have been training with minimal equipment, and reaching the tip of the spear of human performance since forever. It’s not fancy and it’s not expensive. It also doesn’t always have to take so much time. That’s why we’ve put together five (5) workouts that you can get done in 30 minutes or less, while burning even more calories.

1) Workout: Samurai Cop
Style: 5 minute
Score: As Many Rounds as Possible

Movement 1: 5 Hang Power Cleans (heavy 80#/60#)
Movement 2: 5 Sandbag Facing Burpees (slick)

Video Link:

Grab your sandbag for 5 mins of 5 hang power cleans and 5 bag-facing burpees. You want to use a heavier sandbag (80#/60#). However, use your best judgment because you do not want to sacrifice your form. The starting point of the hang clean will be from the knees for each rep. After your hang cleans, move into the 5 bag-facing burpees. Place the SB in front of you, complete a burpee, then jump or step over the SB. You will face the SB before starting the next burpee. Make sure to check out the video for two ways to perform the burpee. Your score will be how many rounds you can complete in that 5 mins. #keeptraining

2) Workout:  “Warhawg”
Style: 4 Rounds
Score: For Time

Movement 1 : 200m Ruck (30#/20#)
Movement 2 : 40m Ruck Bear Crawl (30#/20#)
Movement 3 : 200m Ruck with Front Carry with no straps (30#/20#)
Movement 4 : 40m Hog Crawl with the Sandbag (30#/20)

Video Link |

Today is another grinder with 4 rounds a 200m ruck, a 40m bear crawl, a 200m ruck with “no straps” aka holding your ruck in the front of your body, and a 40m hog crawl, which is just a bear crawl while dragging a sandbag along with you. This would be a great workout to do at a football field or track, or just make sure to do it in grass or dirt or on a yoga mat so you’re not dragging your sandbag on concrete. Your score for this one is the time it takes you to complete all 4 rounds. #keeptraining

3) Workout: “Banner”
Style | 10 Rounds
Score | Number of Squats

Movement 1 | 1 Minute Squats (60#/40# with Sandbag or 30#/20# – Ruck)
Movement 2 | 1 Minute Recovery Ruck (with Sandbag #60/#40 or Ruck 30#/20#)

Video Link |

Today’s training is 10 rounds of 1 minute of work and 1 minute of “rest,” aka a recovery ruck. The first movement you should be very familiar with – is the squat. Load that ruck on your back or sandbag on top of your shoulders and knock out as many squats as possible in one minute, then head out for a one-minute recovery ruck (or ruck in place if you have limited space). Keep track of the total number of reps for your score. #keeptraining

4) Workout: “Hurry Up and Wait”
Style | E3MOM (Every 3 Minutes on the Minute) for 7 Rounds
Score | The Slowest Round

Movement 1 | 12 Ruck Clean & Jerks (30#/20#)
Movement 2 | 6 Burpees over the Ruck (30#/20#)
Movement 3 | 12 Reverse Lunges with Ruck (30#/20#)
Movement 4 | 6 Burpees over the Ruck (30#/20#)

Video Link |

Grab your ruck of #30/#20 and you have 3 minutes to complete all of the movements and your rest is whatever time is remaining. Complete all of the movements every 3 minutes 7 times. Scaling options would be to do the lunges without a ruck or step instead of jumping over on the burpees. Make sure you modify the weight accordingly so you’re able to complete all movements within 3 minutes. #keeptraining

5) Workout: | “Sea Legs”
Style | 25-minute AMRAP
Score | Rounds + Reps

Movement 1 | 5 Sandbag Back Squats (60#/40#)
Movement 2 | 100m front Carry (60#/40#)
Movement 3 | 10 front rack Sandbag lunges (Alt legs 60#/40#)
Movement 4 | 100m Back Carry (60#/40#)

Video Link |

Today’s workout will leave you with wobbly sea legs. For 25 minutes, you’ll complete 5 Back Squats, a 100m Front Carry, 10 Front Rack Sandbag Lunges, and a 100m Back Carry. Map out 100m (50m out and 50m back) or move for a minute (if you’re pressed for space). Track the number of rounds and any additional reps you get in the 25 minutes, which will be your score for BTWB. #keeptraining

If you like what I see, it’s time to join our Daily Sandbag + Ruck Training (aka SRT). Receive daily hardcore workouts that you can do anywhere, with minimal equipment that all emphasize on movement. Get after it GORUCK.

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