Here is a story about how to America. When Jason hired me at GORUCK. He told me to just be me. He also told me to do what I think is right. We all know what that means. If I get in trouble, it’s on me. So far I have only done a few wrongs, that’s not too bad for those who know me. Ok, maybe more than a few. One thing he was very clear about was to America everything I do. He knows I will not mess that up. We both have multiple flags in our homes and at GRHQ there are flags everywhere. We love our country — he was a Green Beret and I was a Marine, it’s in our blood to be patriotic. The above photo I stole from the post Jason made about “A Flag I Found in Ohio”. The saying on the box makes me smile.

Every Friday on the GORUCK Tough page I make a post called F*&$ Yeah America Friday where I ask GRT’s (people who have completed a GORUCK event) to post their flags or anything America tagged with #FYAF. I love seeing their posts. Flags on homes, on homemade poles during rucks,  flag patches on GR1’s, kids with flags, dogs, even on a coffee cup at a cubicle in a office.

How to America? Well if you’re going on a Ruck with a group of friends you better have a flag. We prefer the Made in the USA, since 1847 brand Annin. You can either buy a pole or make one with supplies from your local hardware store. The one we use at our GRHQ TRU events I made with PVC and is two pieces so you can break it down. Have a flag displayed at your home. I have a big one in my living room, as soon as you walk in you think AMERICA. I have a reverse flag on the windshield of my Jeep, you could also put a flag patch on your Ruck. Do y’all get what I am saying? Be a Proud American, display a flag!


Here are some final thoughts. Look for way more AMERICA on our tees this year, I am really stoked about that!  #FYAF is on Friday, but everyday is a great day to AMERICA! Do not burn or stomp our flag. By all means if you need to protest. Please make signs, chant, post on social media, and let your voice be heard. Just do not disrespect what so many fought to protect. Let’s all have a common ground. Let’s fly our flags high and proud and every Friday lets post our #FYAF.





Christopher Goad
AKA Bomber





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