Tag: Ohio

All-American Soapbox Derby, Akron, Ohio

“The greatest amateur racing event in the world” felt more like a state fair (complete with all the right food groups) than a competitive tournament, and we just loved it. It’s been around forever, which gives it both charm and a sense of pride in its own history. The soapbox cars start their gravity-powered descent on the track only when the crank is pulled. We made friends with the operators and they let us in the pits…where we watched until the races were over and the crowds started to head home, less concerned with who won than the good times they had.

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GR Cache #7, Bellbrook, Ohio

GR CACHE #7. We hide GORUCK gear. You find GORUCK gear, and keep it. Seventh dead drop: Lat/Long Coordinates (link to them on the right) 39°39'33.24"N 84° 02'32.30"W. Our last morning in town Java swam in the river (located at the end of the trail GR TAC sits atop) and then approved of our latest dead drop spot. Happy Hunting. Send us the story to cache@goruck.com. Note: Facebook requests for dead drops will be fulfilled whenever possible.

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Last Night in Bellbrook, Ohio

Another classic night in southern Ohio begins with a beer run through That BIG Drive Thru, a staple in town and a staple of our daily lives when here. But the drive home turned competitive, and before you knew it we were playing 18 holes of putt-putt golf, scorecards in hand, at a Magic Castle. It continued into the night as cornhole became more of a live target sport with overhand throws. But this night, nobody won, nobody lost, just good times all around.

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