From Brett on Facebook: "Dude, can't believe u guys are in Indy as well. Came in town for the race and saw the coordinates. Grabbed it by the Speedway. GORUCK". Thanks for hunting, Brett.

From Brett on Facebook: "Dude, can't believe u guys are in Indy as well. Came in town for the race and saw the coordinates. Grabbed it by the Speedway. GORUCK". Thanks for hunting, Brett.
This was an event of speed. And then we hit the infield, which felt a world apart except for the background noise of cars, fast cars, going around a track.
GR CACHE begins. We hide GORUCK Gear. You find GORUCK gear, and keep it. First dead drop: Lat/Long Coordinates (plug them in Google Maps or Google Earth): N 39.800680 W 86.249177 Indy 500 tailgating. Come and get it. Send us a pic and a story to when you do. Happy hunting.
After spending the day at the Pit Stop Challenge, we headed into town and found Rathskellar, a German Biergarten with an outdoor bar. It was our third concert of the day, so it had the potential to be a bit much, even for us. However, Polka Boy’s concert represented a band perfectly in its element …
We got to Indy early enough to sneak down to the Pit Stop Challenge, find GR1 a home, give the Rival Sons some of our tactical hats, and close off a great day at the track with a ZZ Top concert. Today was a closer, louder, faster = better kind of day.