From Brett on Facebook: "Dude, can't believe u guys are in Indy as well. Came in town for the race and saw the coordinates. Grabbed it by the Speedway. GORUCK". Thanks for hunting, Brett.
Tag: Indy 500
Indy 500, Indianapolis, Indiana
This was an event of speed. And then we hit the infield, which felt a world apart except for the background noise of cars, fast cars, going around a track.
GR Cache #1, Indianapolis, Indiana
GR CACHE begins. We hide GORUCK Gear. You find GORUCK gear, and keep it. First dead drop: Lat/Long Coordinates (plug them in Google Maps or Google Earth): N 39.800680 W 86.249177 Indy 500 tailgating. Come and get it. Send us a pic and a story to when you do. Happy hunting.
Indy 500 Pit Stop Challenge, Indianapolis, Indiana
We got to Indy early enough to sneak down to the Pit Stop Challenge, find GR1 a home, give the Rival Sons some of our tactical hats, and close off a great day at the track with a ZZ Top concert. Today was a closer, louder, faster = better kind of day.