“My name is Daisuke Inoue and I am from Tokyo, Japan. I’m a husband to 1 wife and a father to 2 champion boys. Love life and love GORUCK.
I am a hardworking man- a professional project manager at a digital creative agency here in Tokyo. One fine Friday morning, my boss, the president of the company, yelled across the office and asked me “Hey, Dai, what are you doing tomorrow?”
I should have thought more about how to answer that question…. the next day at buttcrackadawn, I found myself with a whole bunch of weirdos carrying heavy rucksacks and doing crazy things. Oh, and I showed up 2 minutes late to the roll call that morning, causing everyone else to suffer 20 pushups for my penalty… yeah! GREAT start to GORUCK.
Since then, my life has never been the same. I am now a member of our wonderful ruck club TOKYO HIKYAKU RUCKERS and this is my 3rd year. I carry my Rucker everyday, training hard to keep my mind, heart and body right and in shape. I carry the bare minimum, as a cadre should shout in your face, “Don’t bring shit you don’t need!” – a 30 or 40lb weight plate, 2L water in my hydro, CLIF bar, cash, keys, and iPhone.
Early this year I started to take these photos during my ruck training, simply because, I gotta look cool (rule #1)! I take these photos myself, in the style of HIKYAKU (a traditional Japanese courier who carried heavy loads back in samurai era), at wherever cool, to represent and promote our team and GORUCK here in Japan. Hashtag? Ah, #gohikyaku.
Upcoming is the very first GORUCK HEAVY. I’m probably gonna die a few times during the event, but so looking forward to it with my team and all the people I get to embrace the suck with! Yes, people! My no.1 reason why I GORUCK!
Best regards, and again, thank you for opportunity to share this story,
If you have a cool story and some really rad photos please email them to bomber@goruck.com.
Christopher Goad
AKA Bomber
Community Manager