Trailer: That Which I Love Destroys Me

From Tyler: “So on the 10th in DC that documentary is screening for the first time at the Capitol for Congress and military brass. Seeing as it is about bridging the gap (kind of), I would really love you to see it and see what you think. I haven’t seen it…but I hear good things…and yes I have to be there which quite frankly I am scared shitless about as this is waaaaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone…That being said I always tell my classes to live outside their comfort zone so it is time I practice what I preach…”

Tyler_Jason from GORUCK_post That Which I love Destroys Me
So he watched it. And I watched it. And I was proud of my friend and proud to be there and once the shine of the night wore off a pair of shaky hands (inside joke you had to be there ha ha) snapped a pic of me and Tyler, a reminder now to say what I was thinking that entire night. Which is that I really admire his ability to fight the awkwardness of saying hey this is me this is my story and I hope someone else gets something out of it and if there is a way to make America better, to help soldiers, then I’m in – whatever it costs.

A couple take-aways but actually just one:

If Jayson and Tyler, two Special Operations soldiers, can expose themselves to a degree of vulnerability like this, if they can say I hit rock bottom call it PTSD or whatever and it sucked and I had to ask for help to get back to being me again, does the stigma around asking for help go away for all war veterans?

And I say no it doesn’t, but it starts to.

And that’s why I’m proud of this film.

Check out the film’s TWILDM home page for future dates and the Armed Forces Foundation, who was instrumental in making it.


  1. Jim Zenner says:

    Hey guys,

    I really appreciate what you guys are doing. I’ve been part of the goruck community for over a year now. I served and I got out and finished up school and opened a program for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans in Los Angeles. I have also spoke about the trouble I had readjusting at community events and will again at the Vet Summit tomorrow out here with the First Lady. I think it makes a difference and I push through. I second guess myself every time. Watching the trailer right now I feel like I just had a team of badasses fast rope in to support the effort. Like you all, I believe this makes a huge difference and really does help those civilians and military who desire to close divide do so. I love you guys and what you do. If any cadre ever want to come out and speak to a program full of guys most of whom have been to the same places as us, I’d like to have you guys out to do so. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done and are doing.

  2. Jon W says:

    I have such tremendous respect for GORUCK, for being the bridge, taking the risk, and helping us as people and as Americans, as a team, grow. You ARE doing right by people ! Thank you. Thinking of Teddy Roosevelt’s man in the arena quote, it is not the critic, but he who strives valiantly…

  3. IzzysMom says:

    GRIPPING trailer. My father is retired USAF and my fiance is still active. With both of them enduring PTSD from two generations (and me too) this documentary has strong meaning for me and hopefully my mother, sisters and friends will understand a bit of what trauma can really do, no matter what degree and how far in the past it was. Thanks for sharing this, Jason, and thanks to Cadre Tyler too.

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