DC Brau’s Citizen

Bud Heavy is always local to my heart, but when in DC, the locally brewed DC Brau Citizen is a nice companion to what is finally here: summer. And if you can’t find DC Brau where you are, try something else local to ring in the summer.

A.C.R.T. Advanced Cellular Repair Technology. Way back when I didn’t understand how my dad could drink beer to recover from any physical activity whatsoever. Or why he needed a beer to cool down at noon on a hot summer day. Something about nutrients and electrolytes. And goodness. But I’ve learned a lot since those days, and he should be proud, I hope.


  1. Owen says:

    I know its hard to argue beer, and this is in reference to your taste for Bud. Ever had Yeungling? Family Operated, Oldest brewery in America, easy Drinking and its not a corporate machine trying to stifle smaller operations. Bud is American like Walmart is American.
    Cheers brother.

  2. jason says:

    Owen – I love Yuengling, too. But growing up in Ohio, my dad had one beer in his fridge at all times, and it was Bud Heavy. Others were optional, and always welcomed. But youth is where love grows roots, and I was impressionable. Especially when it came to my dad. It’s really just that simple, man. And I’ll buy us a round of Yuenglings if I see ya around.

  3. Owen says:

    I should’ve guessed you’d have a great answer. Bud heavy’s for you, I’ll take an Old Milwaukee and try and enjoy some of the same nostalgia. Also a fan of that glass.

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