From Henny at GORUCK – I hiked up Pikes Peak with a couple group guys after we saw your adventure on the blog. We fought over the tactical hat but I won! Thanks, Henny
From Henny at GORUCK – I hiked up Pikes Peak with a couple group guys after we saw your adventure on the blog. We fought over the tactical hat but I won! Thanks, Henny
GR CACHE #3. We hide GORUCK gear. You find GORUCK gear, and keep it. Third dead drop: Lat/Long Coordinates (plug them in Google Maps): 38°50’28.2” N 105°02’33.4 W Pikes Peak, Colorado, elevation 14,100 feet. GR TAC is under the rocks pictured below. Hike up GORUCK style, earn your Scars and send us the story to Happy Hunting.