“I have been rucking for about 3 1/2 years. I started training for the 2016 GORUCK Tough event in Tallahassee with a few F3 guys that I regularly workout with. I met my future wife on that ruck, and was pretty much hooked. So much so, that I proposed to her during the endex of the Tough event the following year. It was around that time, that a few of us decided we should start the Tallahassee Ruck Crew. It was definitely a group effort. One of our crew owns a gym where we often train together. My wife is a marketing/social media professional, so we put her talents to good use to promote our club. Many other members offered their homes, their ideas, and their time to pull everything together. Since I don’t really have any marketable skills, they just rely on me to get everyone motivated, keep pushing our group to do more, and bring the beer and fireball.”
“Tallahassee Ruck Crew (TRC) is based out of Florida’s capital city, pulling GRTs from Crawfordville, FL; Apalachicola, FL & Thomasville, GA (over an hour away in all directions). Created by a simple idea of getting people together to train for GORUCK events, TRC was established in 2017. With over 75 active members, our crew is made up of veterans, law enforcement, EMS, F3 members, and just all-around good people committed to good living and sharing the weirdness (and sometimes pain) of being GRTs. From beer rucks on the coast to assisting our local hospital with dismantling an alien-featured billboard and carrying the UFO to the Sharing Tree, they are up for just about anything that involves good livin’. Our club is all inclusive. You can be part of #TeamSloth (subgroup of TRC) or just enjoy shots of Fireball after every ruck and event…it’s become a tradition…ask Cadre Pog. Our goal is to be better Americans by challenging, supporting, and encouraging everyone in the crew while doing good deeds for our community.”

This sounds AWESOME! I am newer member of a small ruck group in upstate NY, but all my family lives down in FL. Would love to check you guys out when I’m down there! Keep up your good work supporting each other and your community!!! That’s what it’s all about!♥️??
Denise Cordello