Times like these — where things are changing daily and you’re most likely stuck at home — can be stressful. We understand it, and we’re feeling it too. The good news, we have some tips for remaining active. You can turn your rucksack into the Lord of Exhaustion it’s intended to be and you’ll feel better, you’ll sleep better, and your stress levels will decrease. This too shall pass. Faster if we’re smart about it and we #keeptraining.
1) Daily Ruck PT – You can do this anywhere: indoors, at a park, in your garage with the music blaring. Metallica sounds great these days, the louder the better. We’ve partnered with former CrossFit Games Champion Jason Khalipa to give you 30 days of free Ruck PT programming you can do anywhere. Follow along by doing the work and sharing with your friends. They’re cooped up, too, and a little nudge can go a long way. Check it out on our IGTV or Facebook videos!
2) Rucks for Time/Distance – I’ve been rucking early mornings, from 4-5am, while Emily and I are on split schedules to watch the kids and work. The streets are empty, and the miles feel great. It’s been fun to push it a little harder than normal, to lower my time with more weight. I’ve also found it requires a ton of discipline to do the four miles without touching my face when the sweat is pouring down. Discipline requires practice, and I’m getting there.
3) Ruck the Dog – Your dog needs exercise too, and to do their business. When you take them out, add an additional challenge to your walk, and then make it a little longer. All you need to do is to put some weight in your Rucker and carry it around. Once you’re back home, cooped up again, you’ll be glad you did.
4) Ruck to the Grocery Store – Sure, you can order it for home delivery. Whoever picks everything out for you can probably do a fine job. But if you ruck up and head to the grocery store yourself, you’ll get exactly what you want and you’ll get some exercise, too. Put a 45# plate in your rucksack, bring an empty sandbag or two if you think you’ll have a lot of groceries to take home. Or if you need more space for food, like I did, grab an empty GR3.
Adapt to the situation at hand and be creative.
Some of you live in Northern California, where there’s a lockdown in effect. More big cities will no doubt follow. You can still follow the points above and be in compliance.
You have your rucksack, you’re trapped at home. Which means you’re actually not really trapped. Here’s what that can look like:
- Essential stores like grocery markets, pharmacies, banks remain open: Put a Ruck Plate in your Rucker and ruck there. Miles = smiles. (see #4 above )
- Restaurants limited to take-out and delivery only. Choose take-out, put a 30# or 45# Ruck Plate and go get it.
- Engaging in outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking, or running is permitted provided that you maintain at least six feet of social distancing: Ruck it. Put a Ruck Plate in your Rucker and get after it. You can do this to your heart’s (literal) delight. Off hours will have fewer people out. Have fun, explore your own city in a new way. (see #2 &3 above )
In summary, wherever you are you can do these four things to help you stay sane: Daily Ruck PT, Rucks for time/distance, Ruck your Dog, Ruck to the Grocery Store. We’re all in this together, as a community. Share with us how you are keeping safe, smart, and active with #KeepTraining.
Featured Gear:
- The Rucker
- Ruck Plates
- GR3 (Back in stock soon!)
I received my Goruck sandbag and the training is great. I would like to share my video experience with you. How do I do this. By the way I’m 73 years old.