Java is everywhere and hears everything. Rumors abound at GRHQ that he’s my spy, which bothers me not at all – but that’s another story. This is the story of java’s reluctance to be in front of the camera and my insensitivity to that sentiment. Because if there’s one thing I know, it’s that everything GORUCK is better with java.
Above: Where’s java? Below: checking out a helo.
Somehow he always finds something to munch on. Chicken bones, wood, whatever. And when I take it away, I get the death stare.
Until sleepy sets in, which means the shoot will continue another day.
Above – it’s a decent pic, the lighting’s a little off, not enough java. Below, one of my faves. And it lasted for about 3 seconds, I was lucky to get it before he got up and walked off.
So we were in NYC, and I tied him down to my multicam GR1. It was more of an illusion, but it worked, and it made him think he couldn’t escape being the center of attention.
Until he saw a squirrel (above). And sprinted for it, dragging my GR1 (not pictured). Also not pictured is the laughter of everyone who saw it go down.
It can be quite exhausting, monitoring so many squirrels and getting so much attention, especially when summer brings 100 degree heat. And below, thanks to the nice New Yorker who offered to snap a pic of me any my pup, which java didn’t mind at all.
Awesome post…the pictures with Java are always fun to see.
At the risk of sounding ungrateful for the colors as they are, is there any chance of seeing a GR TAC in multicam coming up soon?
Great series. Always appreciate the personal touch you guys add to your posts when marketing your products and your brand. LOL, now I just want to chill out with Java for the day.
i see a duffel in there… nice pics of Java 🙂
Multicam and Sand Tac hats are on the near horizon. It’ll be a couple months. Just to set expectations now, they will not have the mesh in the middle. Basically, that mesh only comes in black and other kinds of mesh that did come in sand did not hold up. That’s why the delays, but at least you know they’ll be good to go. And oh yeah, thanks for the passion. You don’t sound ungrateful at all.
Another Java post, fantastic! My daughter thanks you Jason, she is in love with Java and every time a new picture is up (with or without rucks) she is all happy and makes me show them to her again and again.
Now that there are sand GR Echos and GR1s I will have no choice but to get them. Which will make my wife not so happy… but, so it’s life…
Awesome post and awesome growth Jason.
I too see a GR duffel! I look forward to a spotlight on it. It’ll be great for carrying gear/fins/mask//etc to the surf and to the pool. Depending on what the bottom of the bag is comprised of, one could even securely run an M4 in it.
Thanks again for everything you do Jason.
Damn straight that Java is an important part of GORUCK.
Great to see him.
Yet another great post – JAVA kicks ass without even trying. TACs in other colors will be sweet – even without mesh…just get the messenger bags done, and I’ll be set. And the Jeep seat covers with Molle backs. And…
I’m glad I’m not the only one to get excited about the duffel teaser.
GoRuck duffle easter egg
Ever think about creating a GORUCK dog leash or collar—for Java of course 🙂
Loving my GR2, I look a little silly, kinda like Astro Boy at 5’7″ and 132 lbs, but any bag that size would have and its the size I needed. Looking forward to your sand colored line, time to pick my next bag. Careful with those chicken bones! I hope your softening them up for Java so he doesn’t perforate his esophagus!
Best post ever! Really looking forward to your next NYC event.
I’ve thought of a full line of dog gear, I know we can do better than the stuff out there currently. For Java, of course.
Please consider the dog gear. The stuff out there is garbage.
Looks just like my chocolate! His name is Porter!
Please do hook up my dog. He lives on a boat with us and needs gear that can handle his hard and soft shore adventures. He eyeballs my well loved Radio Ruck with envy and I’d love to surprise him with his very own version one day.
PS – Thanks for your service both on and off the range.
this house looks familiar….
You got an awesome dog there Jason. And I agree: both your dog and mine need a bad ass GoRuck Collar.