Speed from Mt Hood to the Coast, Oregon

What started at the timberline of Mt Hood and ended in the Pacific Ocean is one of the great events of an American summer. By day, by night, one man was always running. Some waited their turn peacefully in random parking lots, some prepped while others approached, others ran while some slept for stolen minutes. Night turned to day and the relay continued, all 12 of us eager to stretch out on highways and in the van. By the end, we had given our all, every last bit. In a field of over 1,000 teams, we finished 6th and averaged 5:56 for the duration of 197 miles, thus marking a fine finale to an American adventure in a GORUCK summer across 48 states. As usual, the people made it all that it was, and the people will bring us back next year to do it again, and again the year after that.

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