Jacksonville Beach Star Course 2019

Star Course 50 Miler

At 2100 on Friday, November 15th we launched 35 teams (100 total participants) to embark on their 50 Miler Star Course journey. Teams received their hit lists and planned the route that they would live or die by. 

The way points consisted of Jax Beach sites and landmarks that would have participants ruck about 50 miles in 20 hours. 

Endex was at 1700 and we had a total of 26 teams (70 participants) successfully complete the 50 Miler. Of those 26 teams, 4 of them were Solo Finishers. Team IDK (Wil Daniels) might take the lead for most miles rucked in a Star Course event with a total of 67.65 miles; he still took 5th place. For Team Cirque de Sore Legs (or as Cadre Mocha calls them, Power Puff Girls) completing this event marked their 11th Star Course 50 Miler between the two of them. The first place team (Team Gridlock) was a repeat offender from the first annual Jacksonville Beach Star Course 50 Miler in 2018. They were able to drop 3 hours off their previous finishing time. Finishing times can be viewed below. 

Star Course 26.2 Miler

In the wee hours of the morning at 0600, 23 teams (63 total participants) were launched for the Star Course 26.2 Miler. Just like the 50 Miler, teams were handed their hit lists and plotted their route. They had to ruck 26.2 miles in under 11 hours. 

Endex was at 1700 and we are proud to announce that all 23 teams (59 participants) successfully completed the 26.2 Miler. Of the 23 teams that completed the 26.2 Miler, there was one Solo Finisher (Samantha Tanner from team AlphaSierraSierra). Finishing times can be viewed below.

Star Course 12 Miler

Once the clock struck Noon, 28 teams (74 total participants) received their hit list, plotted their routes, and began their 12 mile ruck march. Teams had 5 hours to complete 12 miles throughout Jax Beach.

At 1700, 27 teams (71 participants) successfully completed the 12 Miler Star Course. Finishing times can be viewed below.

Star Course 15K, 10K, and 5K

The 15K,10K, and 5K teams showed up at HQ by 1300 and were briefed by Cadre Ricky. At 1330 the two 15K teams (4 participants) were plotting their routes and took off rucking. The 10K and 5K were launched at 1400 and 14:30 respectively. There were a total of four 10K teams (8 participants) and five 5K teams (15 participants). One 5K team included two 50 Miler finishers (Team Rucking Renegades: Wil Daniels and Brett Hoverson). 

Endex for all three events was 1700 and all 11 teams (27 participants) successfully completed their event. Finishing times can be viewed below.

Whether you are new to rucking or a seasoned GRT, join us in 2020 for a Star Course event near you! https://www.goruck.com/star-course/

50 Miler Finishers

Place Finish Time Team Name
1st 14:49:29 Team GridLock
2nd 14:58:58 Rucking Renegades
3rd 14:59:30 Team Blacksheep Events
4th 15:49:09 DMATB
5th 16:01:09 2MANPARADE
6th 17:15:50 Team IDK
7th 17:31:21 CrossFit Shelby Ruckers
8th 17:48:52 F3 – No Rucking Way
9th 18:27:12 Little Care Bears
10th 18:29:57 Trash Pandas
11th 18:44:30 Not An Ingress Event
12th 18:55:02 Milwee Rough Riders
13th 18:57:26 North Metro SWAT
14th 19:00:00 GroundSpeed Ruckers
15th 19:03:24 AEOA
16th 19:07:22 Cirque de Sore Legs
17th 19:12:29 Raiders of the Lost Ruck Delta
18th 19:12:40 Raiders of the Lost Ruck Alpha
19th 19:16:13 Agony of De Feet
20th 19:18:27 Los Viejos
21st 19:22:35 Modern Renaissance Men
22nd 19:24:28 Good Toes
23rd 19:30:30 Rose City Ruckers
24th 19:33:32 STAY THE COURSE
25th 19:42:07 Ruckin GroundSpeeders
26th 19:53:10 STRANGER DANGER!


26.2 Miler Finishers

Place Finish Time Team Name
1st 7:02:30 Butt Face & Turd Face
2nd 7:49:49 Tucey
3rd 7:53:59 Team Solo / 17 Team Herc
4th 8:18:30 Ruck you too
5th 8:30:30 F3 Augusta
6th 8:41:34 Go Ruck Yourself
7th 8:47:20 Old Toast
8th 8:48:05 the_lebowskis
9th 9:06:32 Ruck Like An Egyptian
10th 9:09:10 JustHere2RuckYourBeach
11th 9:13:38 Rucking Dead
12th 9:14:05 Tallahassee Ruck Crew Femme Fatales
13th 9:18:08 F3-Jax
14th 9:23:05 Not Your Mother Ruckers
15th 9:23:19 Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself
16th 9:23:44 Fifty what
17th 9:27:43 What’s All the Ruckus
18th 9:28:12 AlphaSierraSierra
19th 9:44:19 Moody Brews
20th 9:45:12 Coddiwomple
21st 9:53:31 What the Ruck
22nd 9:54:40 More Miles, More Problems
23rd 10:28:00 Walking Tall Ruck Club

12 Miler Finishers

Place Finish Time Team Name
1st 2:47:00 Team Holt
2nd 3:13:00 Team Dräger
3rd 3:24:27 Now We Ruck
4th 3:26:25 Team Gryphon
5th 3:28:10 Agony of de Feet!
6th 3:29:13 Poppin Daddy
7th 3:31:40 Bomber Bash Beer Crew
8th 3:31:40 For Ruck’s Sake
9th 3:38:40 Lost N Found
10th 3:41:53 Lewis & Clark
11th 3:44:00 My Brother bailed for Africa
12th 3:45:06 Team JLT
13th 3:48:38 dfqboston
14th 3:48:46 Rebel Scum
15th 3:50:07 Mountainbeers
16th 3:53:45 Sanders
17th 3:54:42 Mother Rucking Girl Power
18th 3:55:45 Tally Weirdos
19th 3:56:20 Gluttons For Punishment
20th 3:56:49 T Ruckers
21st 3:59:04 Tight Butts and Sweaty Rucks
22nd 4:05:06 Rucky Raccoons
23rd 4:10:08 Moore 2 Luv
24th 4:10:22 Curds&Waypoints
25th 4:23:01 Bradtwurst
26th 4:32:57 This Is A Tinder Date
27th 4:48:01 F-Rucking Awesome

15K Finishers

Place Finish Time Team Name
1st 2:20:03 GoatRODEO
2nd 2:58 Big Deal

10K Finishers

Place Finish Time Team Name
1st 1:59:00 The Little Things
2nd 2:11:56 Craven
3rd 2:14:15 Molander
4th 2:25:56 Ormond Beach Ruck Club

5K Finishers

Place Finish Time Team Name
1st 0:56:23 Late but Ready
2nd 1:07:11 STA Rucks
3rd 1:09:43 Rucking Renegades
4th 1:18:31 Team MZ
5th 1:27:40 GORUCK HQ

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