National Airborne Day was created to honor our nation’s airborne divisions of the Armed Forces. Today we remember these men and women for their service and honor them with our thoughts on our own Airborne training experiences.
“In 1999 when I showed up to the 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg, a CSM from my unit I was signing into told us that we would be successful here if we shut our mouths and did what the f*&$ we were told to do. For the next 5 years I did just that…well, not really. I jumped out of 7 different aircraft, performed 40 plus combat equipment jumps in the middle of the night, concussions, sprained ankles, and generally became so Airborne brainwashed, my boss sent me to Korea to fix me. Happy Airborne Day.” – Cadre Dan
“Jumping is easy.” – Cadre Paul
“Airborne Ops, one of the only things I would give money back to avoid doing.” – Cadre Rich
“I remember going through Airborne about 10 years ago now. We were on a break sitting in the bleachers waiting for our next period of instruction. One of the instructors there stood in front of us to give us some serious advice. He said, “In the event that our main parachute fails, go through your procedures to deploy your reserve chute. If for some reason, the reserve chute fails, now pay attention because this will save your life”. Now we are all intensely listening to the “wisdom” and potentially life saving knowledge that is being passed down to us. He says, ” When you hit the ground, hold on to the ground for dear life! It’s the bounce that will kill you.” – Cadre Matt B.
“While I don’t consider myself a masochist, the jarring and painful shock you get to your man-parts when your canopy deploys properly (via your harness) is a pretty special and great feeling. Not too many like it; unless you’re a weirdo.” – Cadre Devin
“If your main (parachute) doesn’t open wide, at least you have a reserve by your side! If that one should fail you too, look out below cuz you’re comin’ through!” – Cadre Garrett’s favorite part of an Airborne running cadence
“My favorite quote about jumping: ‘Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane, and I’ll show you a man who’ll fight.'” – Cadre Brian S. quoting General James Gavin
“It’s good to have a little fear before going out the door. It keeps you in check and keeps you sharp. Whoever tells you they’re not slightly nervous is full of s*&%.” – Cadre Lou