Tough Mudder NorCal, Bear Valley, California

Lake Tahoe. Back to back Tough Mudders, back to back Ruckoffs lasting into the long hours of cold nights warmed by massive bonfires, bratwursts, wrestling, stories of all kinds, and more beer than even we could drink. Morning came chilly and unexpectedly, and yet smiles abounded as we stuffed our rucks with bricks and, (we’re getting wiser), a lot of beer. Morale was high within a team forged in San Francisco weeks prior, so the second day we carried one of our own through the entire 7 mile, 19 obstacle course. Just because it’s extra good livin’ like that. We also made new friends throughout, lending a hand and sharing a beer whenever possible. And as for the Ruckoffs, those are best experienced, not told in pictures, for now. Yes, you had to be there, and yes, there will be plenty more to come.

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